Marilyn Pierce Photography

Something witty goes here.

Adding 2 galleries

As I build this site, I’ll be adding photos that I like for you to see. I know that this is barely a scratch in the photography landscape of the world, but it is my little corner. I’ll continue to add to these first galleries, and create news one as I go. These will be mix of digital and film photographs because that is what I enjoy.

The first is a set of shots that are from the street. These will be from all over the world. However, as with most photographers, we shoot mostly where we live and work. So, that’ll be mainly here in the greater New York City area.

The second is a set of shots that are black and white. I’ve heard this said many times and many ways; black and white photography has a way to simplify any image to its base intent.

You can access them from the links in this page, or from the top menu. I hope you enjoy these.

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